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Van Shev

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Everything posted by Van Shev

  1. Hi Nafis As I see it's not possible. But I try to clarify more details. I would like to say that this site is not official techical support site of AxxonSoft. If you have some software issue please use http://help.axxonsoft.com.
  2. Hi Salem It is very hard to fix this issue here please create task at AxxonSoft support site http://help.axxonsoft.com
  3. Hi Martedi it's good idea. I'll think about this. Thanks
  4. Hi Martedì you can configure prefix in Web server settings https://docs.axxonsoft.com/confluence/display/one20en/Configuring+the+Web-Server or leave it empty and don't use in API URL
  5. Hello Martedi we tested and got success try use simple docker run if can't fix then please create task to our support
  6. Hi Martedì Unfortunately, we cannot answer right away. Please create a request to our technical support but in any case we try to check it later.
  7. Hi It is very difficult to understand what happened. The API should work without any additional conditions. I advise you to contact technical support at https://support.axxonsoft.dev with a description of this problem. We will definitely help you. Thanks.
  8. Hello, Christian! Unfortunately, it is not possible right now. Please, contact us to discuss the development of this feature.
  9. Hi Janos please register on http://support.axxonsoft.com and create task about this problem. Also you can try to update to newest version https://dl.axxonsoft.com/software/Axxon-One/Axxon-One/
  10. The ‘not authorized’, ‘IDS_STRING_DISCONNECT’ and errors of that kind are going to appear when the Client fails to connect to the Server. The full article: Operations using the Client In this case, check that the connection between the Client and Server is configured in a correct way and there are no network restrictions: The Computer object corresponding to the Client must be created on the Server in the Axxon PSIM hardware tree. The NetBIOS-name of the Client must be specified as the identifier of this object. The Client and Server IP-addresses must be specified in a correct way on the Architecture tab on the Server. And, the check boxes must be enabled in the Connection column. The full article: Configuring the interaction of distributed system components The Server and Client must ping each other via NetBIOS-name or IP-address. You can check this by opening the command line and entering the following command "ping <IP-address or NetBIOS-name>". Firewall, antivirus, smart screen and so on must be disabled or configured in a way that does not block system activity. The Client 21111 connection port and also the ports (21050, 20901, 20902), by which the video is being transferred, must not be occupied or blocked. You can check whether the port is being occupied or not by entering the following command "netstat -ano" from the command prompt. For the Axxon PSIM operation, the state of all the required ports must be LISTENING.
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